Well, I’m back. I’m not sure how winter break went by so fast but the first week back to school kicked my butt. I spent the last week of vacation in Jacksonville watching my Tennessee Vols play in their bowl game. So fun but I was not ready to go back to school at all!
The Jaguars stadium was really amazing. I’ve been to 5 bowl games and this was the best one that I’ve ever attended. Plus we had an amazing win!
I was not ready to come back to Knoxville because that meant my vacation was over. Here’s to hoping for some snow days soon!
But now back to business. I’m not really doing the visual plans as detailed as I have in the past because they take forever. So if you are looking for something like that, you can check out my plans from last year by clicking here.
This week, I am using my pack for the Reading Street story “Life Cycle of a Pumpkin.” This story kinda drives me crazy because it is at the wrong time of the year.
In this unit, I have 2 lesson plans for trade books that I am so excited about.
I will be using “The Snowy Day” to practice sequencing. “The Story of Snow” will be used for teaching students to identify important details.
I will probably throw in this other snowflake book to continue practicing important details.
For reading groups, I’m sticking with a winter theme. I use lots of books from Reading A-Z, which has quickly become one of the favorites. I have a wide spread of readers this year and it’s been so great to find books to challenge my higher level readers as well as meet the needs of my babies.
I’m using these with my lower level readers. Love that she includes fiction and nonfiction on the same topic.
I use some of these passages for my higher level readers.
This is a great resource for small group and whole group.
For math, we are reviewing double-digit addition and subtraction. Thankfully, we just finished money and I’m so glad that is over. I absolutely hate teaching money. Now that K and 1st don’t teach money, it has become an ordeal in 2nd grade.
I’m using this pack from Second Chance to supplement my math lessons. This unit can be really boring and I really like the games included in this unit.
Have a wonderful week! I’m linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for her weekly linky party. Go check it out if you get a chance.
As a Second Grade teacher, I feel your pain for teaching money. I have been trying to do as much of an introduction as I can before we completely start. Have a great week!