Celebrate July with Books (Part 2)

July 11, 2018

I’m back with the second part of our July calendar. Why is July going so fast? Each book image is linked to Amazon so you can view all the details.

July 16 – World Snake Day

This is definitely my least favorite holiday on the list. I see no reason to celebrate snakes but many people, especially kids, are fascinated by them.

July 17 – Peach Ice Cream Day

Nothing says summer like peach flavored ice cream. I remember that my dad used to let us have peach frozen yogurt after we went to the pool during the summer. So enjoy some peach ice cream and learn some interesting facts about ice cream.

July 18 – National Hot Dog Day

Ahhh, hot dogs! I love some hot dogs and baseball. My favorite book with hot dogs is, of course, involving the Pigeon.

July 19 – National Raspberry Cake Day

This day seems pretty obscure but I’m guessing it’s because raspberries are in season during July. (Let me know if that’s not right.) I think some white chocolate raspberry cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory would qualify for this day. So read to learn more about your favorite fruit mixed with some cheesecake. I love Brian Cleary’s books for teaching any content because of the fun rhymes and rhythm of the text.

July 20 – Moon Day

Moon Day commemorates the day that man first stepped foot on the moon in 1969. Read some amazing facts about the moon and then sit out at night to observe the moon and the stars in the sky.

July 21 – National Junk Food Day

Who doesn’t love junk food? I love it too much. That’s why I started clicklisting my groceries so I don’t spend too much money on food I don’t need.

July 22 – Parent’s Day

Celebrate your parents and, if you have kids, be sure they know to celebrate you today. Read about animal parents in this sweet book.

July 23- Vanilla Ice Cream Day

It always surprises me that vanilla is the favorite ice cream flavor of so many Americans. It even beats out chocolate. I don’t agree with that poll that vanilla is the best but it does make a good ice cream sundae.

July 24 – Amelia Earhart Day

I’ve always been fascinated with Amelia Earhart. She was an amazing woman and did quite a bit to move for more rights for women.

July 25- Culinarians Day

Celebrate your favorite cook today and enjoy some fun edible science experiments. What a great book to keep you busy on a hot summer day! (Mess not included)

July 26 – Aunt and Uncle Day

There’s nothing better than being an aunt (maybe an uncle too). Read about the amazing great-aunt Arizona. Maybe Jimmy Fallon will have a book about aunts and uncles soon.

July 27 – Take Your Pants for a Walk Day

No, don’t put your pants on a leash. This day is meant to have people go on a walk because you are, hopefully, wearing those pants.

July 28 – National Day of the Cowboy

Cowboys have a tough job. Read all about cowboys with this fascinating book full of amazing cowboy facts.

July 29 – International Tiger Day

Tigers are so cool but they have a decreasing population. Learn some new facts about tigers in this great book.

July 30 – International Day of Friendship

Who else can get you through a Monday but your friends? Celebrate your great friends by reading this sweet tale of friendship. This is a great book for back to school too.

July 31 – Mutt’s Day

I have a sweet mutt. He’s just the best. Read about a mutt who is looking for his forever home by writing letters to the families on his street. This is a heartwarming book that celebrates animal adoption.


Click on the calendar to download.

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